Create a Awesome Website and Landing Page for Your Business | BibhuDesign

Website Design Package at $250-$1000

  • 3-10 Pages Included
  • Beautiful Design
  • Proper UI/UX
  • Fully Responsive Layout Design
  • Color Palette and Fonts
  • 10 Times Revision
  • Mockup Presentation
  • Html, Css, Javascript, Bootstrap, Wordpress, Shopify, Wix 
  • Code Website ( Your Choice )
  • No-Code Drag and Drop Website ( Your Choice )
  • Figma or XD UI/UX Layout
  • Domain, Hosting
  • Admin Pannel setup with Server Upload
  • SEO 
  • All Type Browser Compactibility
  • Content Media Upload
  • 1- 5 Widget - Chatbot, Google Review, Fb Messenger Chat, Whatsapp Chat, Typeform Form
  • Under 7-15 Days Delivery

Contact Us For Ask Price & Details